iStealer 6.3 W1n_h4ck3r Setup

iStealer 6.3 W1n_h4ck3r Setup

                                 it will be detected as virus cos its a stealer .

1: Make an account on
2: Click on Create/Delete MySql Database...


3:You will come up to this Page:


Now I named the numbers as 1,2,3 and 4 so here what you have to do now on the above page:

1: fill this box with "db" without quotes and click on "create database"
2: fill this box with "user" without quotes
3: fill this box with password and click on "create user"
4: click on "Assign Privileges"

Now, Take a look at the end of the same page and you will get this :


Now ,go and open your "index.php" file using notepad ,this file be located inside your istealer folder, and you will see this:


1: $dbHost = Do Not change it ,Leave it same
2: $dbuser = In this one ,write your database username,which in my case is "xx112233_user" .
3: $dbpass = In this One,write your database password
4: $dbDatabase = In This one write your database name ,which in my case is "xx112233_db"

Now save it and go to your My3gb Upload folder ,Like this:


When you are there on Upload page you will see a "index.html" file already there :


Delete that file and after that upload the "index.php" and "style.css" File .

After you uploaded both files Now click on "index.php" file which you just uploaded and you will come up with this:


Login to this page ,this is the main page where you will get all logs from your victims and the login details to this page are:

user: admin
pass: admin

Now ,copy the whole link which you can see at the top ,this one:


Now,Open up your istealer.exe and paste this link in the "Url" Box ,Then Click on "Test Url" after that you will receive a message which will be "Works Pefect" or "Logger Not Found" ,Any of these two messages can come,it does not matter . After that Click on "Build" and save the "server.exe" in the istealer Folder.

See this Pic if you are confused:


You are now done setting up your istealer 6.3 legends !

Now go spread and enjoy .I might post a spreading tutorial also later on ...

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